Book an Appointment
My home/office location is at 569 Miriam Street in Mendota Heights, MN. It’s a greenish-gold raised ranch house.
SESSIONS CAN ALSO BE DONE REMOTELY. Simply book your session and email me to let me know you would like it to be remote. Remote sessions are pre-pay, and an invoice will be sent soon after you schedule.
Welcome to my online booking site
Informational Session
This 60-minute session can be used as a good starting point to get to know each other, to ask lots of questions, and to learn more about my other offerings such as past life regression or the present life trauma healing session (Emotional Healing session). If you’re new to this type of work, it can help you feel more comfortable with my office space and understand how the sessions work and why they are effective.
Past Life Regression
Past life regression connects you to an aspect of yourself that feels more conscious and awake than your normal level of consciousness. You see a life or lives that will benefit you the most, and give you clarity and healing into a presenting issue. You often become aware of unconscious mental or emotional patterns that limit you as you tune into a higher soul part of yourself that is free of fears or stress. Since your soul's instinct is to grow and evolve, you will experience insights, wisdom and clarity to help you heal and move forward in your present life.
If you're doing past life regression for the first time, please schedule the INITIAL session which is 2-3 hours. You can also choose this session if you're a returning client who would like a more in-depth, extended session.
You may choose the ONGOING, 90-minute past life regression if you are a returning client and prefer a shorter session.
Present Life Emotional Healing
This is a safe, comprehensive and effective way of releasing and healing the effects of traumas from childhood or adulthood in your present life. Using hypnotherapy, we first connect to your higher soul self which already feels whole, complete, and without fears. This higher dimensional aspect of yourself can then help release and heal inner childhood wounds, or any negative or limiting thoughts, feelings or sabotaging beliefs that are stored in the body and subconscious mind. It is an effective way of re-programming your subconscious mind to allow the brilliance of your soul self to more clearly shine through your body and mind.
Clients interested in doing this session for the first time should schedule the INITIAL 2-3 hour session.
The 90-minute ONGOING session is an option for clients who have already done an Initial Present Life Trauma Healing session and prefer a shorter session.
Life Between Lives Spiritual Hypnotherapy
This is an approximately 4-hour session which is a step beyond a past life regression. It is spiritual hypnotherapy as taught by Dr. Michael Newton in which you gain a clearer understanding of your present life and your soul’s journey and purpose. It is healing on many levels as you begin to resonate very deeply to the soul aspect of self that exists beyond time and space and transcends earth lives. You will gain deep insights and clarity about your present life and typically connect with guides, your soul group, and often departed loved ones.
Before doing an LBL session, you must have first experienced a successful and beneficial past life regression with me or someone else.
Spiritual Psychotherapy
This is a one-hour talk-level therapy session with a spiritual perspective to help you grow, evolve and awaken. It may also be used to help process and integrate the insights, healing and wisdom gained from your Higher Self in a Past Life Regression, Present Life Trauma Healing session or a Life-Between-Lives session.
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Need Help? 651-649-1952